Monday, 4 July 2011

All Aboard the Queenscliff Sorrento Ferry

Today we spent the fun half of the day on board the Queenscliff Sorrento ferry! What a view!

One of many magic marine views

Shari, the mega star Junior Volunteer, had both her hands on deck to run some marine based school holiday activities on board. Here are a few (funky pics courtesy of Shari)...

Match the fish,
How long does it take for your rubbish to break down in the sea?
& Throw the little ones back!

Plastic microscopes to get up close & personal with some krill

Look & Touch table

Baleen, aka hairy whale teeth!

Whales, whales, whales... we heart whales!

Marine origami art - hai!

Come say hello next Monday the 14th of July.
Departing 12noon - Birthing 4pm, Queenscliff!

Check out -

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