Wednesday 24 August 2011

There's something about Amy

Remember Amy? She worked as an Education Officer and Volunteer/Work Experience Coordinator for the MDC from November 2006 to February 2009 – after starting out as a grade 10 work experience student and subsequent volunteer for numerous years. Where in the world is she now? Just a week after finishing her contract with the MDC in Feb 2009, Amy was on a plane to move to Vancouver to start a new life with her long-distance boyfriend Darren and to continue her work in Marine Education... ahhh... the things we do for love...


March - May 2009
Educator: 'Gently Down the Seymour'
Seymour Salmon Hatchery, BC,Canada 
From beach walks in the Australian summer to freezing cold days in many, many layers of warm clothing conducting education programs with primary school students that came to the hatchery (which was covered in 3 feet of snow!) to learn about Pacific Salmon life cycles, stream habitat surveys, forest ecology and freshwater invertebrate collection and identification.
May - September 2009
Vancouver Aquarium, BC, Canada
Working with the Interpretive Delivery Department at Vancouver Aquarium (not interpreting language, but rather the animals, their life history traits and conservation issues) this was Amy’s first experience conducting “shows” on microphone – from Beluga whales to hissing cockroaches!
September 2009 - present
Curriculum Programs Coordinator
Vancouver Aquarium, BC, Canada
Back in her element: the core of this role involves coordinating the Aquarium’s school programs and the volunteer educators who conduct the programs – Amy facilitates the field trips and leads the class’ education program, but the volunteers are the ones who do the bulk of the teaching for students in small groups of 5-8. The Aquarium offers over 20 different school programs each year from preschool to grade 12, with 150 volunteers to assist! Over the past 2 years Amy has focussed her niche within her team of 4 coordinators to proffessional development workshops and resources for teachers, supervising & mentoring student teachers, evaluation methods, customised education programs and improving marketting and communication methods internally and externally.
“I miss my MDC co-workers and volunteers… not to mention snorkelling and exploring sandy beaches! Hope to be back on Aussie soil in the near future! Thinking of you all and hoping you’re happy and well.” - Amy

Thanks Amy, we miss you too and enjoy hearing your lovely voice recording every time we call up the MDC office!

1 comment:

  1. Thats so cool, thanks for sharing Amy's story. Amy was the coordinator when I started. Its good to see where she is now
