Monday 5 September 2011

Tuesdays with Peter.P

Long standing volunteer Peter.P tells us a bit about what he does during his volunteer time every Tuesday at the MDC...

I have been a senior volunteer at the Marine Discover Centre every Tuesday for the past 6 years. I began as an interpretive volunteer and eventually took on other responsibilities.
My daily duties consist of:
- Cleaning and tidying the Preparation Room.
- Compiling & maintaining an inventory of preparation supplies.
- Laboratory equipment maintenance.
- Ensuring that their are enough habitat series poster packs made up & beach combing poster rolled for all the school groups and other visitors to the MDC each week.
- I also compile a monthly newsletter for the Marine Discovery Centre. This contains some interesting articles I put together on local ecological and environmental issues. I also suggest ways in which we can mitigate pollution within our marine and freshwater habitats. These aquatic habitats support rich plant communities and incredible marine life.
- Whilst I do all these tasks with great pleasure my real passion remains for being an interpretive volunteer. Here I get to share my knowledge on Victoria's marine environment with MDC visitors. I usually talk about the importance of aquatic communities, the various aquatic habitats and how we should car for them. I discuss effective natural resource management with a focus on the effects of pollutants on fish populations.
I thoroughly enjoy my time as a volunteer at the MDC. All the staff and volunteers are really friendly, knowledgeable and share a passion for our marine environment. I find every volunteer day so interesting and valuable. The MDC is such an excellent centre for students and the general public to learn about Victoria's aquatic environments with a diverse array of habitats close by and the magnificent Swan Bay on its doorstep.  I look forward to continuing my role as an MDC volunteer for years to come.

Thanks Peter, you're a great help! We'll be sure to say g'day if we are ever in on a Tuesday!

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